
Welcome to my page on the benefits of having a parenting coach.

Raising children is one of life’s greatest joys, but it also comes with unique challenges. Sometimes, even the most dedicated parents need a little extra support. A parenting coach offers personalized guidance and practical strategies to help you navigate tough moments and foster a loving, respectful family environment. Embrace the journey with confidence, knowing you’re equipped with the tools to create lasting positive change.

I can provide guidance and support in various areas to help you navigate through the complexities of parenting and if you have any issues with the school system as well. 

1.What is Parent Coaching?

  • Parent coaching is for parents who want to build a better relationship with their children.
  • A parent coach is a professional who is educated in all things kids and provides support and advice tailored to each, family’s unique needs. 

3.What Does a Parent Coach Do?

  • Customized Support: Available via phone, in-person, or Skype.
  • Routine Issues: Helps with morning and night routines.
  • Behavioral Challenges: Addresses power struggles, parental anger, discipline, homework, chores, and disrespectful behavior.
  • Parenting Plans: Assists in creating and practicing parenting plans.
  • Problem-Solving: Provides ongoing support as new challenges arise.

5. How Does Parent Coaching Work?


  • Flexible Scheduling: Calls can be done at anytime (early mornings, late nights & weekends).
  • Commitment: Weekly calls set aside time for reflection and problem-solving.


  • Initial Sessions: Identify ideals and strengths.
  • Weekly Topics: Focus on current issues and long-term goals.
  • Between Sessions: Inquiry questions or action requests to extend learning.

Immediate Solutions

  • 60-Minute Session: Disclosure, assessment and an action plan.
  • Follow-Up: Check-in &  re-assessment .
  • Upgrade: Option to move into a short term or longterm packages.

2. What a Parent Coach is Not

  • A parent coach is not a therapist.
  • I do however have a Bachelor of Education Degree and a Masters Degree in Special Education and I am certified to work with families and children. 

4. Five Reasons Why Parents Might Be Ready For A Parenting Coach.

Persistent Struggles:

    • Continually facing the same challenges with their child without seeing improvement.
  • Exhaustion and Frustration:

    • Feeling physically and mentally drained from trying different approaches without success.
  • Seeking New Strategies:

    • Recognizing that current parenting methods are ineffective and being open to learning new techniques.
  • Desire for Consistency:

    • Wanting to establish consistent and effective parenting strategies, especially if feeling unsupported or uncertain.
  • Commitment to Growth:

    • Ready to invest time and effort into personal growth and improving family dynamics for long-term positive change.

6.Common Uses for Parent Coaching

  • Common Issues: Sleeping problems, genreal behaviour concerns, manners,  Oppositional Defiance, ADHD, ADD, Anxiety, Depression, and Learning Difficulties.
  • Learning Skills: Practical parenting skills.
  • Reflection: Time to reflect and evaluate parenting methods.
  • Communication: Techniques to talk to children effectively.
  • Guidance: Support through difficult times.
  • Reassurance: Confidence in parenting decisions.
  • Emotional Management: Techniques for managing feelings.
  • Value Prioritization: Knowing which battles to fight.
  • Accountability: Ensuring parents follow through on their decisions.

7. Coach vs. Therapist



  • Focus: Addresses past issues to find closure.
  • Duration: Can last from weeks to years.
  • Method: Uses diagnoses.

Parent Coaching

  • Focus: Looks forward and deals with the present.
  • Method: Educates without diagnosing.
  • Tools: Uses the latest research to build parenting skills. 


The list above is a general list of topics I am able to discuss, However, I can discuss a lot more than what is on that list as well. Please just reach out and let me know what is going on for you and I am sure I can help.

I understand that every child and family is unique, and my consultation services are tailored to meet your specific needs. My goal is to empower parents with the knowledge and resources necessary to support their child’s growth and development.
Please feel free to contact me for more information or to schedule a consultation session (by zoom, teams, skype, etc.). I look forward to working with you and supporting you on your parenting journey.